
Posts Tagged ‘alarms’

This morning at the circus I was the designated person-with-key-who-can-open-the-door.  Because none but the costume shop work  early Sunday morning.  That was OK.  I got in.  Everyone who needed to, got in. The security system was disarmed without any long winded explanations or taking of names.

Only I had failed for the 2nd week in a row to learn beforehand where exactly the light switches were.  We all stumbled around in the dark trying to find the lights, which I knew from experience, were not in any logical place- like, say,  next to the door.  

There was an ear piercing noise.  I thought I had failed to turn off the alarm and ran back to check it.  It said it was ok.  I punched a few buttons anyway.  No change in the noise level.  The alarm display told me I didn’t have access and to please go away and not bother it anymore.

I sent the stitchers outside to save their eardrums while I tried to reach the powers that be.   They were all asleep in their beds or at any rate not answering their phones.  I believe I left a voice mail for the production manager in which I said I thought the police might be on their way to get me.

Outside 2 hook and ladder trucks from nearby Station No 2 pulled up, sirens blaring, geared up for battle.  Out jumped a few really great looking men.  Because Sacramento’s finest are truly fine.  I think hunky must be a job requirement here.  Turns out, one of the stitchers had been feeling along a wall for the lights, found something that felt like a switch, flipped it, and set off the fire alarm.   But those heros saved the day and turned off the alarm.

We’re all still feeling a little flushed.

The firemen wanted to know why we up so early on Sunday morning.  I wouldn’t mind knowing that myself.


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